Resource Library

The resource library is a virtual knowledge hub containing a variety of documents which have been classified by thematic focus and tagged by countries and other helpful information. Each item in the library can be viewed and downloaded by the users.
Type of document
Year of publication

Understanding patterns of structural discrimination against migrant and other workers in some countries of South and West Asia

This background paper reviews the literature that sheds light on the structural patterns of discrimination against migrant workers in some countries of South and West Asia. It also articula…

The Work in Freedom Handbook: A critical glossary of terms relating to freedom and unfreedom in the world of work

The purpose of this critical glossary is to deconstruct some of these commonly used concepts related forced labour, modern slavery and human trafficking in order to flag their blind spots, merits a…

Experiences of ASEAN migrant workers during COVID-19: Rights at work, migration and quarantine during the pandemic, and re-migration plans

The COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting labour migration throughout the ASEAN region and globally. In 2019 there were an estimated 10 million international migrant…

Gender sensitivity in labour migration agreements and MOUs

Global Action Programme on Migrant Domestic Workers - Research series in support of June 2016 project report release.


A very beautiful but heavy jacket: The experiences of migrant workers with diverse sexual orientation, gender identity and expression in South-East Asia

The study reveals migrant workers with diverse sexual orientation, gender identity and expression (SOGIE) in South-East Asia benefit from labour migrat…