Identifying unfair recruitment and forced labour Completed

Forced labour often traces back to abusive practices occurring during the recruitment phase of the employment cycle.

When :

Time : CET - Central European Time GMT+1:00

Where : Online

Join the ITC-ILO blended course: Establishing fair recruitment processes Completed

Application deadline: 23 October 2023


Every year, millions of workers and employers rely on the services of public and private recruitment agencies to match job seekers with jobs. 

When :

Time : CET - Central European Time GMT+1:00

Where : Blended

Interregional meeting: Strengthening cooperation of trade unions from Africa and from Arab States to advance Fair Recruitment, Freedom of Association and Just Transition for Migrant Workers Completed

The meeting is aimed to allow unions to share and learn from experiences and updates as well as to build space for the mutual cooperation between trade unions and respond to the increasing need for protection of the rights of the migrant wo

When :

Time : CET - Central European Time GMT+1:00

Where : In-person

ILO Webinar: The role of Public Employment Services in fair recruitment promotion Completed

This webinar event brings together representatives and officials from Public Employment Services from varied national policy and labour market contexts to discuss their practices, challenges, and achievements in ensuring quality services in line with international standards and fair recruitment principles,

When :

Time : CET - Central European Time GMT+1:00

Where : Online