Guideline on Dispute Resolution of Migrant Worker Grievances

The Guideline is a reference for labour officials, Migrant Worker Resource Centre (MRC) staff, service providers, and stakeholders to use to support migrant workers through the dispute resolution process.

The Dispute Resolution Guidelines are designed to deliver rights-based, gender responsive, transparent and timely access to justice for migrant workers. The Guidelines steer officials towards complaints resolution that ensure outcomes and remedies accord with Cambodian Labour Law, Sub Decrees, prakas, regulations, and international labour standards, and does not restrict access to other redress mechanisms.

Family members of migrant workers can also begin the process, especially when the migrant worker is still overseas. Migrant workers, members of their families or their appointed representatives can all lodge complaints through the Dispute Resolution Process.

Complaints can be lodged individually, or as part of a group claim. This document summarises key points in the Dispute Resolution process and provides information for potential complainants.

Type of document : Publication

Country/Region : Cambodia

Year of publication : 2021