Thematic Focus

Media and Public engagement

Journalists have a voice that many workers do not. They can shine a light on abusive practices and the denial of fundamental human and labour rights.

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Latest News

Assessing Union Capacity to Empower Migrant Workers' Rights

From Knowledge to Action: Equipping Unions to Empower Migrant Workers

10 Year Anniversary of the Forced Labour Protocol

Celebrating a Decade of Progress 

Today marks the…

Mission d’immersion de l'AEJ à l’ANAPEC au Maroc

L’Organisation internationale du Travail…

Campagne de sensibilisation sur les voies régulières de la migration de main d'oeuvre

De la théorie à la pratique : les journalistes tunisiens sensibilisent le public sur les…

Le recrutement équitable est au cœur de la foire du livre en Tunisie

Dans le cadre de sa participation à la 38ème édition de la foire…

Latest Resources

Measuring SDG indicator 10.7.1 on recruitment costs of migrant workers:Results from the recruitment cost-module in Maldives, 2019

Bangladesh: Labour force survey 2022

Podcast: El futuro incierto que enfrentan las y los jóvenes migrantes de América Latina

El personal consular y su función en la protección de las personas trabajadoras migrantes

Due diligence toolkit for fair recruitment

Policy Brief: Women’s Mobility and Domestic Work

Innovative approaches to protect the rights of women migrant workers and tackle forced labour: Lessons from the Work in Freedom programme (2013–23)

Migrant domestic and garment workers in Jordan: A baseline analysis of trafficking in persons and related laws and policies

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