Empowering and protecting workers

Explore and exchange on how workers organizations can enhance their action to build migrant workers power, monitor recruitment practices, tackle abuses and advocate for improved policies and regulations.


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Workers, especially migrant workers, can be at risk of a range of violations of human and labour rights during the recruitment process. The FRI supports and partners with trade unions to advance fair recruitment, protect workers’ rights, promote empowerment and organization.  Under this thematic focus members will learn about trade unions strategies and promising practices on organizing migrant workers, as well as on monitoring recruitment practices and tackle recruitment related abuses. In partnership with the International Trade Union Confederation, tools such as the ITUC recruitment Advisor, research materials and tools will be shared and promoted.


Members will have opportunities to engage with workers organizations globally, share experiences, challenges and opportunities in organizing migrant workers and effectively address recruitment related challenges and abuses.  The objective under this thematic are to enhance awareness and capacities of workers organizations to support and organize migrant workers, provide them with effective services in case of recruitment related abuses, better monitor recruitment practices and effectively engage with government and employers organizations for regulatory and policy reform.

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En línea


Foro Temático

Mostrando 1 - 2 de 2
Temas del foro
Título Respuestas Último comentario el
10 Years of the Fair Recruitment Initiative: Milestones, Impact, and the Road Ahead 0 Hace 4 months 1 week
Access to justice for recruitment-related abuses 7 Hace 2 years 7 months
Ver todos los foros