Trade Unions Manual to Promote Migrant Workers’ Rights and Foster Fair Labour Migration Governance in Africa

International migration has been on the rise within Africa. In 2019, there were 26.3 million international migrants in Africa - an increase of 17.2 million since 2010. Movement across national borders in search of decent work is one of the key drivers of international migration. Throughout the migration and recruitment process, migrant workers are exposed to undue hardships and abuses in the form of low wages, poor working and living conditions, limited access to social protection, denial of freedom of association and workers’ rights, discrimination as well as social exclusion. Migrant workers’ contributions to the economies of their host and origin countries many times remains unaccounted for – yet migrant workers generate tremendous benefits to both.

In this context, there is a need therefore for a comprehensive and balanced approach to labour migration governance. Well-governed labour migration can contribute to sustainable development for countries of origin, transit and destination, and can provide benefits and opportunities for migrant workers and their families. In this regard, the ILO in collaboration with the Joint Labour Migration Programme (JLMP) and the African Union (AU), developed the Trade Union Manual to promote migrant workers’ rights and foster fair labour migration governance in Africa intended to achieve this objective.

The toolkit is composed of 14 training modules, each module has examples of international good practices and highlights the role that workers’ organizations play in each thematic area.


Type of document : Training Material

Country/Region : Africa

Year of publication : 2021