Resource Library

The resource library is a virtual knowledge hub containing a variety of documents which have been classified by thematic focus and tagged by countries and other helpful information. Each item in the library can be viewed and downloaded by the users.
Type of document
Year of publication

Podcast: El futuro incierto que enfrentan las y los jóvenes migrantes de América Latina

Desde el año 2015, más de 7.7 millones de personas se vieron forzadas a abandonar su país debido a la crisis económica, social y política en Venezuela. Aproximadamente el 85% de estas personas se d…

El personal consular y su función en la protección de las personas trabajadoras migrantes

Presenta los instrumentos normativos internacionales que rigen las funciones del personal consular y su vínculo con la protección de los derechos de las personas trabajadoras migrantes en los Estad…

Due diligence toolkit for fair recruitment

The fair recruitment toolkit developed by the Global Business Network on Forced Labour helps businesses, especially SMEs (small- and medium-sized enterprises), to set out a due diligence process wh…

Policy Brief: Women’s Mobility and Domestic Work

The ILO estimates that there are 150.3 million migrant workers in the world. Of these 11.5 million are domestic workers (ILO, 2015).


Innovative approaches to protect the rights of women migrant workers and tackle forced labour: Lessons from the Work in Freedom programme (2013–23)

This brief provides a short summary of the Work in Freedom programme outreach and activities conducted to tackle forced labour and trafficking with the key lessons it generated over the ten-year pe…