Parallel Session F.4 at the International Forum on Migration Statistics (IFMS) 2023: Measuring SDG 10.7.1 on migrant recruitment costs: Recent advances and way forward

Posted at February 7th 2023 12:00 AM | Updated as of February 7th 2023 12:00 AM

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Visual tool on the ILO definition of recruitment fees and costs

The definition of recruitment fees and related costs, adopted by a Tripartite Meeting of Experts, held in Geneva in November 2018. The definition recognizes the principle that workers shall not be charged directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, any fees or related costs for their recruitment. This comprehensive definition is guided by international labour standards and should be read together with the General Principles and Operational Guidelines for Fair Recruitment.

The definition is intended to support the development, monitoring, implementation and enforcement of laws, policies and measures aimed at the protection of workers’ rights. It also supports development and implementation of effective regulation of recruitment practices to combat non-compliance, support transparency of recruitment practices, as well as enhance the functioning of labour markets. Considering the complexity of the definition, this new tool helps navigate its various components in an interactive and accessible manner.

Considering the complexity of the definition, the ILO developed a new visual tool on the ILO definition of recruitment fees and costs. This new tool helps navigate its various components in an interactive and accessible manner.

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Tracking recruitment costs: scaling up efforts to measure SDG 10.7.1 to monitor SDG and GCM progress

  • 19th May 2022

  • Time : 8:30am - 9:30am

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Key documents

The Impact of the New UK Immigration System on Human Trafficking into the UK

This paper explains how the immigration system opens up the potential for human trafficking and exploitation of individuals on a massive scale globally, orchestrated by organised crime gangs, criminals, scammers, profiteers and unscrupulous employers.

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Working in the UK

A short open source, animated video particularly for use by labour providers and employers to use in inductions for workers in the UK, explaining how to avoid problems, their rights at work, and where and how to report issues, in four sections covering: Before work during recruitment; Getting the correct pay; Staying safe and well at work; Key rights at work.

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Fair’s Fair

Fair’s Fair is an awareness and education programme to support the commercially sustainable procurement of agency labour so that workers never pay the price of poor purchasing practice.

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Charge Rate Guidance April 2022

This guide, effective from April 2022, should be used to support calculation of sustainable charge rates by labour providers which include all of the statutory costs of employment required in the UK.

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Principles and guidelines for the repayment of migrant worker recruitment fees and related costs

Impactt has developed the guidance based on its in-depth field experience implementing repayment programmes. Impactt has worked with partners to facilitate repayment of over US$111 million in recruitment costs to over 86,000 migrant workers employed by 210 companies around the globe, acting both for employers and for other supply chain actors. The guidelines have also benefited from consultation with over 150 expert stakeholders from international bodies, governmental organisations, international trade unions, multi-stakeholder initiatives, investors, CSOs, consultancies, lawyers, activists, campaigners, employers, former migrant workers and multi-national companies.

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Standards for repayment of migrant worker recruitment fees and related costs

This document sets out recommended Standards developed by Impactt for repayment of migrant worker-paid recruitment Fees and Costs.

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Launch of the Responsible Recruitment Gateway

Posted at January 10th 2017 12:00 AM | Updated as of January 10th 2017 12:00 AM

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