Thematic Focus

Ensuring gender equality in recruitment

Discover a repository of resources at the intersection of gender and recruitment, within and across international borders, such as policy and research briefs, regional and country reports, latest data, upcoming events and news on the topic.

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Business and private sector engagement

Fair recruitment helps to create decent work, provides new job opportunities, and improves labour market functioning. It also helps to prevent labour and human rights violations, including discrimination, which occur during the recruitment process that can lead to situations of forced labour such as deception, illegal retention of documents, and worker debt resulting from the payment of recruitment fees and related costs, among others.

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Empowering and protecting workers

Explore and exchange on how workers organizations can enhance their action to build migrant workers power, monitor recruitment practices, tackle abuses and advocate for improved policies and regulations.

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Promoting Labour Inspection’s role on recruitment

Labour inspectorates can play a critical monitoring and enforcement role on fair recruitment. Tools, guidance and peer to peer exchange and support are needed to enhance their capacities to address recruitment related challenges.

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Innovating for fair recruitment: harnessing the potential of digitalization

Digital applications, virtual gaming, behavioral insights, AI powered chat-bots… all of these are innovative approaches that stakeholders can leverage to improve recruitment processes and promote fair practices, facilitate safe and regular migration, and prevent risks of forced labour and other abuses to decent work.

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Access to Justice

The recruitment of migrant workers should take place in a way that respects, protects and fulfils internationally recognised human rights. When these rights are violated, workers irrespective of their legal status, gender, religion ethnicity, caste or any other social or economic considerations should have access to appropriate and effective remedies. Migrant workers can face a number of obstacles securing remedies for recruitment abuses even when, in principle, their legal rights are established in law.

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Latest News

Assessing Union Capacity to Empower Migrant Workers' Rights

From Knowledge to Action: Equipping Unions to Empower Migrant Workers

10 Year Anniversary of the Forced Labour Protocol

Celebrating a Decade of Progress 

Today marks the…

Mission d’immersion de l'AEJ à l’ANAPEC au Maroc

L’Organisation internationale du Travail…

Campagne de sensibilisation sur les voies régulières de la migration de main d'oeuvre

De la théorie à la pratique : les journalistes tunisiens sensibilisent le public sur les…

Le recrutement équitable est au cœur de la foire du livre en Tunisie

Dans le cadre de sa participation à la 38ème édition de la foire…

Latest Resources

Measuring SDG indicator 10.7.1 on recruitment costs of migrant workers:Results from the recruitment cost-module in Maldives, 2019

Bangladesh: Labour force survey 2022

Podcast: El futuro incierto que enfrentan las y los jóvenes migrantes de América Latina

El personal consular y su función en la protección de las personas trabajadoras migrantes

Due diligence toolkit for fair recruitment

Policy Brief: Women’s Mobility and Domestic Work

Innovative approaches to protect the rights of women migrant workers and tackle forced labour: Lessons from the Work in Freedom programme (2013–23)

Migrant domestic and garment workers in Jordan: A baseline analysis of trafficking in persons and related laws and policies

Latest Events

